Paediatric Immediate Life Support (PILS)

87 videos, 5 hours and 8 minutes

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Removing an ECG

Video 35 of 87
1 min 31 sec
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ECG Electrode Removal and Patient Care

Removing Electrodes

Once we are satisfied with obtaining a diagnostic-quality ECG, it's time to carefully remove the electrodes from the patient's skin. Note that this process may cause slight discomfort, similar to removing a plaster. It is advisable to inform the patient about this beforehand. To minimize any discomfort, swift removal is key.

Chest Leads First

Begin by removing the chest leads first. Maintain continuous monitoring of the patient's ECG rhythm during the removal process, especially if you are en route to the hospital. Always handle the patient with care and ensure their comfort throughout.

Disposing of Electrodes

Dispose of the used electrodes in a clinical waste bin. These electrodes are designed for single-use only and pose an infection risk if reused. Proper disposal is essential for infection control.

Continued Monitoring or Removal

Whether to remove the limb leads will depend on the patient's condition. For continuous monitoring, limb leads may be left in place during transport. However, upon reaching the destination, it may be appropriate to transfer the patient, still connected to the monitor, to a department or ward. In cases of stable patients without anticipated complications, limb leads can be removed at this stage.

Patient Comfort and Follow-Up

Patients should be informed that they might develop a mild rash or irritation beneath the electrode sites. Reassure them that this is temporary and will fade over time.