CPR Cycle - 1 person
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Real-Time AED Scenario
1. Initial Assessment
Quick Assessment for Dangers and Patient Responsiveness
- Danger Check: Ensure the scene is safe.
- Patient Communication: Attempt to elicit a response through verbal and physical stimuli.
- Airway Check: Examine the airway for obstructions and perform a head tilt, chin lift.
- Respiratory Assessment: Look, listen, and feel for breathing for 10 seconds.
2. AED Setup
Preparing and Applying the AED
- Defibrillator Activation: Turn on the AED and prepare for pad placement.
- Pad Application: Place the pads according to AED instructions.
- Analysis: Allow the AED to analyze the heart rhythm.
- Bag and Mask Setup: Prepare the bag and mask for ventilation, keeping them away from potential sparks.
3. Defibrillation and CPR
Combining Defibrillation with CPR
- Shock Advisory: If advised by the AED, ensure everyone is clear before shocking.
- Commence Chest Compressions: Begin CPR with 30 compressions followed by two breaths.
- Compression Rhythm: Continue compressions in cycles of 30:2.
- AED Timing: The AED will analyze every two minutes.
4. Post-Defibrillation Assessment
Checking Pulse, Breathing, and Patient Comfort
- Pulse Check: Verify the presence of a pulse.
- Respiratory Check: Confirm breathing.
- Stretcher Adjustment: Lift the stretcher slightly for patient comfort and safety.
- Oxygen Administration: Transition from bag and mask to an oxygen mask.
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