Paediatric Immediate Life Support (PILS)

87 videos, 5 hours and 8 minutes

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Real time CPR Scenario

Video 81 of 87
4 min 21 sec
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Optimizing CPR Efficiency: Two-Person Team

Introduction: Real-Time Single Rescuer CPR Scenario

A Step-by-Step Demonstration

In this real-time CPR scenario, we demonstrate the key steps of single-rescuer CPR.

Assessment and Initial Response

Quickly Identifying the Situation

  • Recognizing Collapse: Observe the patient's condition.
  • Checking for Response: Assess the patient's level of responsiveness.
  • Assessing Airway and Pulse: Perform head tilt, chin lift, and check for pulse and breathing.
  • Commencing CPR: Initiate chest compressions at an appropriate rate.
  • Providing Ventilations: Utilize a pocket mask to deliver two inflations.

The Importance of Efficiency

Challenges of Single-Rescuer CPR

Single-rescuer CPR can become challenging due to fatigue and decreased effectiveness. It's time to explore how a two-person team can enhance CPR efficiency.

Enhancing CPR Efficiency: Two-Person Team

Effective Roles and Coordination

When responding to a cardiac arrest scenario, a two-person team can significantly improve CPR outcomes. Let's examine the roles and coordination in a team of clinical responders:

Roles in the Two-Person Team

Clear Roles for Effective Response

  • Clinical Lead: The leader responsible for decision-making.
  • Supporting Rescuer: The follower who executes instructions from the clinical lead.

Coordinated Response

Efficient CPR Execution

With clear roles defined, let's observe how a two-person team efficiently manages a cardiac arrest scenario:

  • Recognizing the Situation: Identifying the cardiac arrest.
  • Positioning: Taking positions at the airway and chest for effective management.
  • Assessment and Response: Checking responsiveness, airway, and respiration.
  • Initiating CPR: Beginning chest compressions with ventilation support.
  • Switching Roles: Preparing to change roles at the end of each cycle.

Efficiency in Action

Improving CPR Effectiveness

By adopting a two-person team approach, CPR efficiency increases, and responders can maintain higher quality chest compressions. This coordinated effort can be the key to improving patient outcomes during cardiac emergencies.

Thank you for watching this demonstration of optimized CPR techniques.